Publishing Update

Waterloo Press has been in touch to confirm it's aiming to get 'Waiting for the Sky to Fall' out 'by 7 June'.

After unavoidable delays it will be a relief just to have it published. Some of the poems in the collection were written more than ten years ago so it has felt like a long process with a long overdue conclusion.

The collection also contains more recent work, but once it's out I'll be pleased to leave it behind to concentrate on another collection that reflects more accurately the sort of work I've been doing in recent years.

There are however plenty of off-cuts - the length of the book means that I can't include everything publishable written in the past 15 years. I'll look forward to seeing if they can fit into a second collection alongside more recent work that is noticeably less in the short set-piece lyrical tradition.

What's left to do now, it seems, is to confirm the design of the book. Waterloo Press chooses beautiful colours for its books which makes it difficult for me to select one over the other.

Co-editor and poet Alan Morrison has come up with an apposite image of a classical statue cowering slightly under the weight of some oppressive force. Initially I wanted an image of the statue of Dante in the Piazza dei Signori in Verona, but copyright wouldn't allow it and Alan's choice has more suggestive force to go along with the title.

And finally there is the promotion to think about. I've always thought of poetry as an intensely private practice and dislike reading in public. I have little enthusiasm for the 'po-biz' side of poetry so will find it difficult to bring myself to do readings. WP is working on getting its books sold on Amazon so that should make it easier to shift a few eventually. I will post again nearer the time with details of buying directly from WP, for anyone who is interested!


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