Reading List 2012


The Haiku Anthology, ed. Cor Van Den Heuvel (contd; reread)
The Essential Haiku: Versions of Basho, Buson, & Issa, ed. Robert Hass
Not In These Shoes, Samantha Wynne-Rhydderch (reread)
The Dog in the Sky, Helen Ivory
A Halfway House, Neil Powell
Selected Poems, Christopher Reid
Katerina Brac, Christopher Reid (reread)
Black Cat Bone, John Burnside


Stepping Stones: Interviews with Seamus Heaney, ed. Dennis O’Driscoll
View with A Grain of Sand: Selected Poems, Wislawa Szymborska (reread)
Zone Journals, Charles Wright (reread)
The Water Table, Philip Gross
For and After, Christopher Reid
Death of a Naturalist, Seamus Heaney (reread)
Door into the Dark, Seamus Heaney (reread)
Wintering Out, Seamus Heaney (reread)
North, Seamus Heaney (reread)
Field Work, Seamus Heaney (reread)
Station Island, Seamus Heaney (reread)
The Haw Lantern, Seamus Heaney (reread)
Seeing Things, Seamus Heaney (reread)


Seeing Things, Seamus Heaney (contd; reread)
The Spirit Level, Seamus Heaney (reread)
Electric Light, Seamus Heaney (reread)
District and Circle, Seamus Heaney (reread)
Human Chain, Seamus Heaney (reread)
Domestic Violence, Eavan Boland
Second Space, Czeslaw Milosz
Black Cat Bone, John Burnside (reread)
The Really Short Poems, A. R. Ammons
This, Czeslaw Milosz
The Monster Loves His Labyrinth: Notebooks, Charles Simic
Poetry Review (Spring 2012), ed. Fiona Sampson 


The Monster Loves His Labyrinth: Notebooks, Charles Simic (re-read)
Sidereal, Rachael Boast (x2)
The Dark Film, Paul Farley (x2)
Nights in the Iron Hotel, Michael Hofmann


Nothing Special: Living Zen, Charlotte Joko Beck
Small Hours, Lachlan Mackinnon
Poems: Eugenio Montale, ed. Harry Thomas, trans. various (re-read)
Notebooks, Anton Chekhov
Acrimony, Michael Hofmann (re-read)
Corona, Corona, Michael Hofmann (re-read)
Approximately Nowhere, Michael Hofmann (re-read)
The Eternal Ones of the Dreams: Selected Poems 1990-2010, James Tate


Modern European Poetry, ed. & trans. various (Bantam)
The Second Life of Art: Selected Essays of Eugenio Montale, ed. & trans. J. Galassi
Satires and Epistles, Horace and Persius, trans. Niall Rudd
The Faber Book of 20th-Century Italian Poems, ed. Jamie McKendrick, trans. various (re-read)
Selected Poems, Franco Fortini, trans. Paul Lawton
130 Poems, Jean Follain, trans. Christopher Middleton (x2)
Selected Poems, Attilio Bertolucci, trans. Charles Tomlinson
Poetry Review (Summer 2012), ed. George Szirtes


Songbook: The Selected Poems of Umberto Saba, trans. Leonard Nathan
Twentieth Century Pleasures: Prose on Poetry, Robert Hass
Yet There Is Music: 1939-1948, Vladimir Holan, trans. Josef Tomas (unreadable)
130 Poems, Jean Follain, trans. Christopher Middleton (re-read)
The Haiku Anthology, ed. Cor Van Den Heuvel (re-read)
The Shuttered Eye, Julia Copus


The World’s Two Smallest Humans, Julia Copus
The Haiku Anthology, ed. Cor Van Den Heuvel (contd; re-read)
Grace, Esther Morgan
In the Flesh, Adam O’Riordan
Portrait of my Lover as a Horse, Selima Hill
Collected Poems, R. F. Langley
Farmers Cross, Bernard O’Donoghue
Six Children, Mark Ford
What the Water Gave Me, Pascale Petit
Taller When Prone, Les Murray
Maggot, Paul Muldoon


Across the Land and the Water: Selected Poems, 1964-2001, W. G. Sebald
The Faber Book of 20th Century German Poems, ed. The Hofmeister
Lucky Day, Richard Price
Passing Through: The Later Poems: New and Selected, Stanley Kunitz
The Best American Poetry 1990, ed. Jorie Graham


New and Selected Poems, Michael Ryan
PLACE, Jorie Graham
Poetry Review (Autumn 2012), ed. Charles Boyle
Out There, Jamie McKendrick
November, Sean O’Brien
How Snow Falls, Craig Raine
The Best American Poetry 2009, ed. David Wagoner


They Came to See a Poet: Selected Poems, Tadeusz Rozewicz, trans. A. Czerniaweski
Straw for the Fire: from the Notebooks of Theodore Roethke, ed. David Wagoner
The Snow Watcher, Chase Twichell
Experience: A Memoir, Martin Amis


Collected Poems, Jane Kenyon (re-read)
The Best American Poetry 1995, ed. Richard Howard
Astonishment, Anne Stevenson
Poetry Review (Winter 2012), ed. Bernardine Evaristo 


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